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While wallpaper can add visual appeal and depth to any room when applied correctly, there comes a time when it passes its prime and needs to be taken down. However, removing wallpaper isn’t as simple a Orlando Wallpaper Removal process as it seems on the surface, and tearing it off without proper preparation and technique can leave your walls with a great deal of damage. So, why is wallpaper removal so difficult, and what should you do when you need it removed?
In truth, the wallpaper itself isn’t what causes most of the difficulty; it’s the adhesive underneath that puts up a real fight. Of course, you can search through any hardware store to find chemical adhesive removal products, but inexperienced users can potentially damage the integrity of the drywall underneath. When you need to give your walls a fresh new look, you need the assistance of an Orlando wallpaper removal team that knows how to get the job done right. New Ceilings is that team.
The experts at New Ceilings have years of experience in safely and thoroughly removing wallpaper, leaving your walls attractive, clean, and ready to paint. We use only the highest quality materials to ensure your drywall stays in great shape and retains its integrity. Depending on your unique needs, our Orlando wallpaper removal team can even prime and paint your home with the high-quality Sherwin-Williams paint of your choosing.
New Ceilings offers a wide variety of interior renovating and remodeling services, including priming, painting, and wallpaper removal. Our expert team has everything you need to give your home a fresh, modern look. When you’re ready to get started on your next home project, contact New Ceilings for your free estimate. Give us a call at (407) 378-6040 to learn more.
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