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Surprise Dad with Popcorn Ceiling Removal for Father’s Day

tampa popcorn removal for father's dayThe fathers in our lives are hard working men. When they’re not working to help pay the bills, cleaning up scraped knees or giving piggyback rides, they’re doing what they can to spruce up and repair the house. All of that hard work can add up over the years and lead to back pain, neck pain, and plain old exhaustion. Isn’t it about time you gave dad a break and showed him just how much you appreciate him?

The Tampa popcorn removal pros at New Ceilings are gearing up for a busy few weeks this June. Why is that, you might ask? Because popcorn removal is the perfect way to say “I love you” this Father’s Day. Don’t believe us? Here are 3 reasons why it’s true:

  • Popcorn removal will increase your home’s value. Believe it or not, popcorn ceilings can actually reduce your home’s value, so this is the perfect gift especially if you’re planning to sell your home in the not-so-distant future. Most homeowners seek modern homes with contemporary designs, and popcorn ceilings haven’t been in fashion since the 70s and 80s. Thus, popcorn removal can help dad stage the home for success.
  • Popcorn ceilings can actually block out light. If your family home has been feeling a little dismal lately, don’t add unnecessary light fixtures–just look up. Popcorn texture can block out between 10 and 15 percent of all light that enters the room, leaving your home feeling more like a cave dwelling than a modern dwelling. Brighten up the space and help put a little more pep into your father’s step once that popcorn is all gone.
  • Popcorn removal can be a dangerous job. Your dad may be the best handyman you know, but even a veteran needs a little help every once in a while. Though we can’t stress enough the importance of testing your popcorn for asbestos before you have it removed, that’s not the only danger that comes with the job. Scraping for hours on end can actually cause neck and back issues, and working with too heavy a hand could actually cause some of your drywall to crack and fall. Give dad a break and let the professionals take care of the dirty work.

All most dads want for Father’s Day is a time of rest and relaxation with their families and loved ones. Let your in-home handyman enjoy his special day by hiring a the Tampa popcorn removal experts at New Ceilings to scrape your ceilings clean. To schedule your free estimate, give us a call at (407) 378-6040 today. We wish you and your families a happy and stress-free Father’s Day.