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New Year, New Look: Start off 2016 with Popcorn-Free Ceilings

popcornCeilingRemoval_bodyAt the start of every year, most people set a list of goals or resolutions they’d like to achieve to help improve their lives. Many resolve to lose weight and exercise more; others vow that they’ll kick their smoking habits; still others are determined to finish that home improvement project they’d set aside. With December already behind us and 2016 already unfolding, it’s time to start thinking of a resolution for yourself–and Orlando popcorn removal might just be a great choice.

You may not have considered resolving to get rid of your popcorn ceilings before, but when you think about it, removing that ugly texture is a great way to improve your life. Here are just three reasons why you should pledge to get rid of popcorn in 2016:


  • It’ll help improve your focus. As we’ve mentioned before, popcorn ceilings have a nasty habit of latching on to whatever dirt and dust float your way. Over time, those particles tend to collect, making your less of a castle and more of a cleanup nightmare. Research in psychology shows that dirty rooms tend to cause more stress and reduce focus, and vice versa, so by eliminating the biggest dust trap in your home, you’ll be better able to focus on your tasks at hand and get things done.
  • It’ll encourage you to entertain more. Maybe you’ve been feeling a little disconnected from your friends and loved ones this year. There’s nothing better than taking time to reconnect over a home-cooked meal, but if your ceilings are covered in outdated popcorn texture, you might not be so inclined to host a dinner party. Present your guests with modern, gorgeous decor and they’re sure to want to stop by more often.
  • It’ll lower your electricity bills. Certain rooms always seem to stay dim, regardless of how many lighting fixtures you have. Believe it or not, this may be because of the popcorn texture on the ceiling. Popcorn ceilings absorb light, blocking out a noticeable percentage of the natural light coming in. Opting for a smoother texture will reflect the light, allowing you to spend less on energy costs to make your home a little brighter.

Beyond design principles, removing popcorn ceilings can help to improve your home life in a number of different ways. Set yourself up for a happy and successful new year with a fresh new ceiling. To schedule your complimentary consultation, get in touch with the Orlando popcorn removal pros at New Ceilings. Give us a call today at (407) 378-6040 today.