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Keep an Eye on Your Drywall During Hurricane Season

Whether you heard it from a news source or you’ve been keeping tally during your years as a Central Florida resident, you know it’s been quite some time since a hurricane has directly hit our state. While many have celebrated this reprieve from the storms, storing away their shutters and supply stashes for a later date, others realize that this pattern has to break sooner or later–and it looks like a few big storms may be heading our way this year.

If you’ve never had to weather a hurricane, you should understand that Central Florida usually isn’t the hardest-hit part of the state, but we do still get the gusty winds, the heavy rains, and the occasional rogue debris. Here are three things to keep an eye on during hurricane season to make sure your walls are in good shape:

  • If there’s any damage from debris, call a drywall crack repair specialist right away. The most common type of debris damage we see during hurricane season comes from falling trees and broken branches. Especially if there’s a large tree near your house, you’re susceptible to serious damages when those winds pick up. If you’ve noticed that some debris has struck your house, it’s crucial that you get it repaired right away.
  • An untrained eye may not be able to pick up on the problem spots. Even if you weathered the first of hurricane season with no apparent troubles, you may still have a few problem spots lurking in the shadows. A trained drywall repair team can provide you with a comprehensive inspection to highlight all the areas that may cause issues down the road. Get them fixed up now to avoid a headache later.
  • A small trickle can become a waterfall during a storm. You may think that that little crack won’t let too much water through for now, right? Wrong. Couple that crack with torrential rain and high winds and you’re in serious trouble. As water is allowed to seep through any small crack, it gradually erodes the drywall and can sink deep into your structural system. It’s a good idea to have those cracks repaired before the big storms come.


If you’re well-prepared, there’s no need to panic when the first of the hurricanes roll around. Get your home storm-ready as soon as possible with the drywall crack repair pros at New Ceilings. Call us today at 407-378-6040 to schedule your consultation.