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Flat, High Sheen, and Everything Between

Painters in orlando discuss paint sheenYour interior paint colors are outward expressions of your personality. Whether you decide to make your room a chic, moody getaway with dark colors, or a bright, sunny vacation at home, the pigments you select can completely alter your mood and the moods of your friends and family who visit. But what about your paint’s finish? How much does that affect your interior decorating scheme?

Think about it: You wouldn’t want your bedroom hideaway to shine like a disco ball when you’re trying to sleep, just as you wouldn’t like your kitchen’s flat paint to reveal stains and accidents. Here, the painters in Orlando at New Ceilings discuss the different levels of paint sheens and where they work best:


  • High-gloss: The highest level of sheen, this finish is generally too shiny for living areas (living rooms, bedrooms, etc.). However, high-gloss paint is the most durable and the easiest to clean of all the finishes. Thus, it’s perfect for your kitchen. Using high-gloss paint in these areas can help you keep your walls looking pristine–even in the midst of culinary accidents.
  • Semi-gloss paint is just a small step down from high-gloss, still providing that high level of durability and ease of cleaning. This type of finish helps to keep moisture from seeping into the walls, making it a great choice for your bathroom.
  • Satin paint still has a delicate level of luster, but isn’t quite as bright and shiny as your high- and semi-gloss paints. This elegant finish has been described as lush and velvety, making it perfect for your living room, foyer, hallways, and other high-traffic areas. It’s still easy enough to clean, while providing a warm, inviting atmosphere.
  • Many homeowners get confused about satin paint versus eggshell paint. Eggshell is another step down in gloss and durability from satin; not quite flat, it still adds a little luster to any room. This is a great finish for gathering places that don’t get too many bumps and bruises, like formal dining rooms and sitting rooms or lounges.
  • Finally, matte or flat paint has no shine whatsoever. This is the least durable of all paint finishes, although it does absorb light, which lessens the appearance of blemishes and imperfections. This finish is great for adult bedrooms or other areas where roughhousing is uncommon–if you’re painting a child’s room, you may want to step up the shine a few levels.


As a rule of thumb, if you select a darker paint color, you’ll want to have it in a flatter finish; dark pigments have more colorants which boost the sheen factor. Still confused about which finish is perfect for you? The team of painters in Orlando at New Ceilings can help you select the perfect paint and finish for each room. To schedule your free initial consultation, give us a call at (407) 378-6040 today.