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3 Questions to Help Find Your Perfect Palette in a Sea of Colors

With all of the beautiful hues that have been coming your way, there’s a good chance you want to try them all. From mysterious plums to electric greens and even black, we’ve gathered up a whole wishlist of must-try interior paint colors for adventurous homeowners and for those who are breaking away from neutrality. But with literally an entire rainbow to choose from, you have to ask yourself: which palette works best for my home?

In truth, those jewel and neon tones look fabulous in magazines and on Pinterest boards, but they just may not work in your home. That’s perfectly normal! Like people, every home has its own personality and quirks. To help narrow down your list, here are 3 important questions to ask before you buy:

  • Who is using the room, and how are they using it? Every room has a purpose, whether it’s for entertaining, studying, eating, or sleeping. The color for each room depends on the preferences of its usual denizens and how they typically use it. For example, you wouldn’t want a jarring highlighter yellow in a room where you want to sleep, or an angry red in a room dedicated to focus.
  • How many windows and light fixtures are in the room? It should be clear by now that light has a profound effect on your interior paint colors; interior and exterior light work in different ways as well. Using an extremely bright color in a bright room is likely to give you a headache, and so on. Play around with your light fixtures while you’re swatching colors to see if different bulbs have different effects.
  • What’s the landscaping like outside? This may seem like a silly question, but the landscaping directly outside your window plays off of your home’s interior color. You don’t want to choose a color that makes your trees and bushes seem sickly, but you don’t want an exact match, either. A purple jewel tone would make lush green bushes look healthy and bright, and a soft blue would make pink flower stand out. Keep your blinds open as you test out new colors to see how they complement or detract from each other.

When it comes down to it, choosing the perfect color palette for your needs is all about what you like and what you don’t like. Don’t force yourself to try out your least favorite shade of green just because you saw it in a home design magazine. Trends come and go quickly, and while your tastes may change over time, you’ll always fall back on your favorites. To start picking out your perfect palette, schedule a free consultation with the Orlando interior paint gurus at New Ceilings. Call 407-378-6040 today.